mission statement

Mission Statement - Feb 2018

Mission Statement - Feb 2018

#stitchingformentalhealth perfectly sums up my philosophy and what I aim to achieve with @emilyrowanstudio. Through encouraging the process of craft as therapy, the next step I wish to take for my business is to use CBT techniques and the new ways of thinking I have adopted along the way to create supportive embroidery kits.

Mission Statement - Nov 2017

Mission Statement - Nov 2017

Navigating the mental health wave via a severe and unpredictable bout of depression and anxiety earlier this year is what made me finally take the (in my mind) humungous step of opening an Etsy shop. Contradictory, you might say, but it is realising the therapeutic qualities of embroidery and a need to at least attempt a different career path that continues to keep the debilitating thoughts at bay.